Most recent update: March 26, 2024. Thai FAQ
1. What is GOALPRIZE?
Goalprize is a mobile software application, a "Software as a Service" (SaaS) allowing businesses like restaurants to reward customers who participate during a promotional time period with prizes if the business hits a goal before a deadline. It is protected under international patents filed by the CEO of FastUsers Company Limited. FastUsers is located in Bangkok Thailand but seeks business partners to grow globally as fast as possible. "Goalprize Business" is the app for the restaurant owner. "Goalprize" is the app for the restaurant customer.
Example: Frank's French Cafe hosts a Goalprize campaign. If Frank's gets 1,000 customer visits from Goalprize participants in 30 days the Goalprize participants in Frank's Goalprize ranked in the top 50% (by points from spending) will win a digital gift card inside their Goalprize app redeemable at Frank's equal to their points. But if Franks does not receive 1,000 visits in 30 days, then no one receives a prize. So Goalprize participants should help Frank's be successful in order to increase their own chance of winning. Encourage friends, family and co-workers to visit before the Goalprize campaign ends.
2. What is a GOAL?
A goal is a high number of customer visits by Goalprize app customers (spending more than the minimum) the business is trying to achieve before End of the Goalprize campaign. It can be any number agreed upon by the restaurant host and approved by Goalprize.
50 visits to this restaurant in 7 days
500 visits to this restaurant in 15 days
1,000 visits to this restaurant in 30 days
3. What counts as a VISIT?
When a Goalprize customer requests points from the restaurant hosting the Goalprize campaign, using their Goalprize app we divide the total THB spent on allowable items (excluding alcohol, tobacco, tax, service charges) by the number of customers on that paid receipt and we count each customer on the paid receipt as a "visit" so long as that spent-per-customer number is greater than the minimum that must be spent per customer to count as visit. If not the number of visits is adjusted down until it is.
Example: A group of 10 friends visits a restaurant with an active Goalprize campaign but after subtracting alcohol, tax and services charges they only spent 999 THB on their paid receipt so the restaurant should only count 9 visits if the minimum-to-spend was 100 THB per customer. If they spent 1,000+ THB then they would count 10 visits. If they only spent 899 THB then only 8 of the 10 customers would be counted as a "visit".
4. WHO GETS THE POINTS if a group of restaurant customers are on the same bill?
Only one customer gets all the points added to their Goalprize account if a group of customers are on the same bill. This is the customer who is the leader in charge of paying the bill and requesting the points. The restaurant will not divide points among different accounts. If a group of people enter the restaurant who want to each earn points for their own bill they must request separate bills from the restaurant when they first arrive and the restaurant must agree to give them separate bills.
Example: A customer encourages seven of his friends to join him at a restaurant hosting a Goalprize campaign. The customer who organized this gathering of his seven friends realizes that another one of his friends also has a Goalprize account (G-ID number) but only one of the customers can get the points added to their Goalprize account (G-ID number) after the bill is paid. So, the customer in charge of paying the bill who has a Goalprize account already and is the one who organized this gathering gets the points. Next time this same group of friends goes to the restaurant they request two bills and put 4 friends on one bill and 4 friends on the other bill so the points can be earned by both friends who are participating in this Goalprize campaign.
5. Do I need to be the top spender during a SINGLE VISIT?
No. Winners are Goalprize customers of a restaurant hosting a Goalprize campaign who have accumulated the most points before the Goalprize campaign ends successfully. It does not matter if the Goalprize customer accumulates the points in one visit or multiple visits. But Goalprize customers will only be winner if, in addition to being one of the top spenders the restaurant hits its goal before the end of the campaign.
Example: Only one visit is made by John to a restaurant hosting an active Goalprize campaign. John spent 3,000 during this one visit. Susan visited the same restaurant during the same Goalprize campaign 2 times and spent 2,000 each time (4,000 totals) during this Goalprize campaign so Susan has earned 4,000 points and John has earned only 3,000 points. Susan will be ranked higher on the Leaderboard.
6. What is a PRIZE?
A prize is a digital gift card automatically given to all the winners inside the Goalprize app when a restaurant hits a goal before the End, which means this Goalprize campaign was successful.
Example: A digital gift card redeemable at "Siam Restaurant" with 10,345 THB credit (matching what they spend during the Goalprize campaign) expiring in 30 days. The customer who won this prize uses the Goalprize app to redeem these credits at Siam Restaurant.
7. WHO wins?
If the restaurant hits its goal before the End of the Goalprize campaign the customers using the Goalprize app who earned the most points by spending the most (but not on alcohol, tax or service charges) will win. The Leaderboard for that campaign shows how many points each participant has without revealing who they are.
Example: The top ranked 50% spenders (measured by points). So for this Goalprize campaign customers earn points and try to get in the ranked on the Leaderboard in the top 50%.
8. HOW MUCH do winners win?
The amount of winnings could be set different for each Goalprize campaign. Mostly likely it will be "Win What You Spent" (win 100% of what you spent on promotable items). Although it could be set to less than 100% Goalprize requires prizes to be valuable so that they adequately rewards customers for helping the restaurant achieve its goals. Goalprize will not allow a restaurant to host a Goalprize campaign if we think the prize is too small. For Goalprize to be successful there must be many winners and valuable prizes.
Example: 35,345 THB was spent on a single Goalprize customer account owned by customer John Galt at a restaurant running a Goalprize during its 30 day time period. It could have been spent by one or more of John's friends using this his account, with his permission, to receive the points. The restaurant was successful in achieving its goal of customer visits before the deadline and this campaign was set to have those ranked in the Top 50% win. John's account was ranked 75th, well within the top 312 of Goalprize spender accounts ranked on the Leaderboard so he wins a digital gift card worth 35,345 THB on his Goalprize app redeemable at the restaurant for the next 90 days.
9. What happens if goal is NOT HIT before the deadline?
The business does not pay out any prizes to any customers if the Goal is not hit before the deadline.
Example: Restaurant sets goal of achieving 1,000 visits in 30 days but at end of 30 days only has 870 visits so no prizes are paid out to customers.
10. WHERE can winning credits be used?
Winning credits can only be used at the restaurant that hosted the Goalprize campaign until the expiration date indicated on the digital gift card.
Example: Vinny's Italian Restaurant holds a Goalprize and succeeds in hitting its goal so now it has a lot of people with digital gift cards. These winners are likely to bring in even more friends and family members who may have never visited the restaurant before to use their credits. Then the restaurant receives a second promotional wave of new customers.
11. Can I spend credits AND earn points on the same bill?
No. You can not use discount credits from your digital gift card and earn points on the same bill
Example: Martin's Mexican Restaurant hosts a Goalprize campaign from January 1 to January 30 that was successful in hitting it's Goal on January 19. The winners receive digital gift cards that must be used before February 28. After February 28, Goalprize waits to see if Martin treated customers fairly in giving out points and accepting credits, this restaurant could be approved to start another Goalprize campaign but no sooner than March 1 (after the expiration date of the last digital gift cards). Winners can not use credits to reduce bill and also earn points on that same bill both by technical design of the software and also by scheduling. A restaurant can not start a new campaign until after the expiration date of the gift cards from a prior campaign.
12. HOW do winners get the prize?
Goalprize will instantly give a digital gift card to the Goalprize customer inside the Goalprize app. This digital gift card has discount credits not cash vouchers this Goalprize customer can use at the restaurant to reduce future bills until they expire. The discount credits can not be used on alcohol, tax, tips or any other items not allowed by law. When paying their bill the Goalprize customers types in the amount of credits they want to use and it generates a QR code the business can quickly scan to pay it so long as it is not more than the allowed amount.
Example: Customer opens their Goalprize app after the business successfully hit their Goal before Deadline, and they were ranked as a Top Spender, and sees a digital gift card with 6,516 credits equal to the 6,516 points the customer earned during the Goalprize campaign at that restaurant. So next week they visit the restaurant and get a total bill of 4,275 THB and after subtracting alcohol, taxes and service charges they can use 3,582 THB of their credits from their digital gift card to reduce this bill by 3,582 THB. They should visit again before the expiration date of the credits to use the rest.
13. What can customers NOT receive points for and not spend digital gift card credits on?
Thailand law prohibits alcohol, tobacco and a few other products from being used in any type of promotion, either as a way to win or as a prize So Goalprize will not offer points or allow credits on digital gift cards for spending on any items prohibited by Thailand laws. Goalprize also does not offer points for spending on tax or service charges (often called "tips"). And customers can not receive points for spending on a bill using the credits of a previous Goalprize campaign or a campaign from another restaurant.
We will hope to provide a list of all prohibited items in the future but until then you may find some prohibited items under these laws of Thailand, but these laws may not list all prohibited items as there may be other items prohibited under other laws, regulations or dictates: Consumer Protection Act of 1979 (as amended in 1998, No. 2; 2013, No. 3; and 2019, No. 4), 2017 Trade Competition Act, the Food Act of 1979, the Drugs Act of 1967 (as amended in 1975, No. 2; 1979, No. 3; 1984, No. 4; 1987, No. 5; and 2019, No. 6); the Cosmetics Act of 2015, and the Alcoholic Beverages Act of 2008.
14. HOW LONG are the Goalprizes?
A Goalprize campaign could be any length of time that the restaurant manager wants, 30 days, 14 days, 7 days or 3 days. It might be possible to even host a Goalprize campaign for 1 day but this makes it harder for a single customer to visit multiple times.
Example: A restaurant owner wants to "jump start" their business so they conduct a 30 day Goalprize to bring is a high number of customer visits.
15. HOW are points requested or credits redeemed?
After paying your bill you request points by clicking the Request Points button and following the instructions. This involves you showing a QR code to the restaurant staff. To redeem credits you must tell the restaurant staff you want to redeem credits BEFORE paying your bill and then click Redeem Credits on the digital gift card for that restaurant. This allows them to lower the amount you need to pay by the discount credits you are using.
16. What is the difference between POINTS and CREDITS?
Points are earned after a Goalprize has started but before it is finished. It is finished either by success or failure. Success means it achieved its Goal (number of customer visits) before the Deadline (date and time). Failure means it did not achieve its Goal before the Deadline (date and time). If a Goalprize campaign fails the points are lost and no credits are earned. If the Goalprize is successful and a user is ranked as a Top Spender according to the Rules of This campaign, the points convert 1 to 1 to credits on a digital gift card. Points are not converted to credits for participants not ranked as a Top Spender even if the campaign was successful.
17. Can we open customer account for our GROUP to use?
Only one person can own and use a Goalprize customer account. However, that one person can invite all their friends, family or office-mates to join them at the restaurant on the same bill. The account owner will be solely responsible for all accounting that results from this and solely responsible for any problems that may arise between themselves and their friends, family and office-mates if they choose to coordinate reimbursements for items ordered, point received or credits used to pay for anyone's expenses. Neither Goalprize nor the restaurant will be involved with fixing any disputes between a Goalprize account holder and other restaurant customers who are on the bill of the restaurant for the account holder or between the Goalprize account holder who visit the restaurant or use Goalprize indirectly against our legal terms. All users of Goalprize must agree to our Goalprize Terms of Service ("GTS").
18. Can I get points or redeem credits at ANOTHER LOCATION of a restaurant with the same name?
No. You can only use the digital gift card at the same restaurant and same address location (or branch) of that restaurant unless the Details of the Goalprize specifically indicate that other branches at which winning credits can be used. Often times restaurants using the same names are owned by different owners as "franchises" or under other business arrangements and it would only be possible to redeem credits or earn points if the owner of a specific restaurant in a specific location has agreed to host a Goalprize and been approved by Goalprize to host one.
19. WHY should I use Goalprize?
All successful businesses need to gain new customers and get current customers to do more business with them. But advertising is risky because advertising often fails to pay back what you spent on it. And discounting is often not a powerful enough incentive to motivate customers to act fast and spend more. Goalprize offers a powerful risk-free system to gain customer visits because you only pay us after you successfully get customers and they spend more than a minimum amount. GOALPRIZE ELIMINATES THE RISK OF ADVERTISING.
20. Why is Goalprizing MORE POWERFUL than other methods of gaining customers and increasing revenue?
Goalprize gives 5 STRONG MOTIVATORS to customers fast and frequently:
1. They must visit before a deadline.
2. They must visit before a goal reached.
3. They must rank as a Top Spender to win.
4. They could win 100% of what they spend (not alcohol, tax, tips).
5. They have a reason to invite friends, family and co-workers to your restaurant.
21. What is the COST of Goalprize for the restaurant?
Two costs: 1. The cost you pay per customer visit that Goalprize brings in during your campaign (perhaps 30 THB per visit) and 2. The cost of redeeming the discount credits that winners redeem on their Goalprize digital gift cards. So #2 is additional food and non-alcoholic drink cost. If a winner redeemed all their discount credits you would be giving them food and non-alcoholic drink at approximately "two for the cost of one". And you only pay out the discount credits via Goalprize digital gift cards if your restaurant is successful in hitting your visits Goal before your campaign deadline. And the price you pay Goalprize per visit will be much less than the minimum amount we count as a visit (See Example below). Also, the prizes are digital gift cards given out only to customer accounts ranked as Top Spenders with credits that can only be used at your restaurant before an expiration date (you set with us). So they will probably want to visit your restaurant again in the near future and bring other new customers to help spend their credits.
Example: A restaurant wants more customers so they host a Goalprize "Win What You Spend" campaign whereby customers ranked as top spenders can win 100% of what they spent (not alcohol, tax, tips however) during the campaign if it hits the Goal before the Deadline. The main "cost" is the total value of all the discount credits on all the digital gift cards given out to the top spending winners. But your restaurant should not lose money even on the winners as long as you mark up your food more than 100% above cost. Some restaurants sell their food at even 300% or 400% above cost. So if your restaurant should make a marginal profit even on these winners. And now you may have gained many hundreds of new customers and still made a profit on their first visits to your restaurant. Much better than advertising! So if your Goalprize campaign brought in 1,000 customer visits until the goal was hit and we agreed to 30 THB per visit your maximum visits charge will be 30,000 THB if only 840 visits occurred before the deadline then the visits charge would be only 25,200. We charge for all visits by Goalprize app users who spent above the minimum per customer to count as a visit. We brought in revenue without the risk of spending on advertising first. But we want your Goalprize to be successful so everyone is happy. It's good for you also because if you have many winners with digital gift cards they need to use before an expiration date then these customers must return again and probably bring even more new customers to visit your restaurant.
22. How do I PAY for Goalprize?
You can pay by credit card or debit card and we bill you each day for the visits brought in that day. If there is a persistent problem with your debit or credit card we may ask for payment by check and we refund if your restaurant receives fewer than the visits Goal. We will only allow restaurants to host a Goalprize campaign again if they paid for their prior campaign and had no other significant problems.
Example: A restaurant hosts a 10 day Goalprize campaign with a visits Goal of 100 in 10 days. This means 100 Goalprize users who visit and participate in the campaign in addition to any other customers who are not using Goalprize or not participating in this Goalprize campaign. So if the charge per visit is 30 THB and there are 8 Goalprize visits on day 1 then the charge for day one is 8 x 30 = 240 THB. Day 2: 20 visits x 30 = 600 THB, Day 3: 34 visits x 30 = 1,020 THB, Day 4: 38 visits x 30 =1,140 THB (and Goal is hit before Deadline). No more visits charges from Goalprize. Total visits charge was 3,000 THB.
23. Can I TEST Goalprize first?
Yes. You can try small, short term Goalprize first maybe just for 3-days or 7-days. Test it. We are sure you will see that the benefits are much bigger than the costs.
Notes: We must keep the reputation of Goalprize and value of Goalprize is high and protected. So, we will only allow restaurants to host their first Goalprize campaign if the meet our standards after we verify their details, integrity and legal ownership. If a restaurant hosts a Goalprize and receives many complaints from customers we may not allow this owner or this restaurant to host another Goalprize campaign. Your restaurant must earn a good Goalprize record to be allowed to host another or a longer time-period Goalprize or higher goal Goalprize.
24. How do I START Goalprize campaign for my restaurant?
1. Download the Goalprize Business app on your iPhone from the Apple Store or the Android app from the Google Store.
2. Create a business (restaurant) account at
3. Login to your Goalprize Business app using the email and password you created the account with and fill in the 5 screens under “Business Information”. 4. Input your form of payment (credit or debit card).
Fill out “Start A Goalprize” to submit the settings you want for your campaign. All campaigns need to be approved by Goalprize before they can start. We will help you. Request help at
Notes: The Goalprize-Business app has an icon with a white G-arrow on a blue background with the word “Business” below it.
The Goalprize-Customer app does not have the word “Business” below it.
25. How to set the GOAL?
Goalprize wants businesses to be successful in hitting their goals. So it should be high enough to offer significant benefit to the business but not so high it is unlikely to be hit. We will determine what is "too high" by looking at two things: the number visits (bills) that the business manager claims they are currently getting, the number of seats and space in the restaurant, the rate for other restaurants with similar characteristics (area of city, type of food, seats, space). We might accept Goalprize where the goal is twice the current visits but reject one where the goal is ten times the current visits. We will learn from our tests and in the future have better rules for what goal levels are ok and what goal levels are too high.
Notes: We want goals to be achieved because that creates many happy restaurant customers and many happy restaurant owners. We want the value of Goalprize to be raised by showing that it not only eliminates the risk of advertising but is a very powerful way to increase revenue. We will require the first Goalprize campaign hosted by a restaurant to have a low Goal and if everything goes well allow the restaurant to host a future Goalprize campaign with higher and higher goals. The restaurant must develop a good reputation for hosting Goalprize campaigns to continue hosting campaigns by always given out points and redeeming credits when appropriate and acting in all other ethical and legal ways according to the rules.
26. Can I CANCEL or SUSPEND a Goalprize campaign after it has Started?
No. Because restaurant customers may have started visiting your restaurant and spending money it would not be fair to them to cancel any Goalprize that has started. So once a campaign has started it can't stop until it hits its goal or hits the deadline without hitting its goal.
Notes: We will require restaurants to host Goalprizes with shorter durations and smaller goals first before running longer Goalprize campaigns with longer durations and higher goals. We want restaurant managers to become familiar with how they work. We want the restaurant to prove they will honor the points and all credits given out.
27. WHEN am I charged?
Goalprize charges your restaurant every day for customer visits until your campaign ends. This allows restaurants to see the connection between the new visits and the small charges instead of getting one large charge at the end.
Notes: We plan to bill just one time every day for the visits of the prior day. If our payment processor does not allow this then we would bill for all the visits when the Goalprize campaign either hits its goal or reaches the End.
28. Do I pay for visits ONLY if I hit the goal?
No, your restaurant is charged for all customer visits received, above the minimum required per customer to count as a visit, in both a successful and unsuccessful campaign.
29. Do I pay for ALL the visits your app brings in?
No. We stop charging for visits when you hit your goal. So the lower you set the goal the lower is the maximum that you can be charged. And if your goal is lower you will more likely hit the goal and have a lot of happy customers. You will also not be charged for visits of customers not participating in your Goalprize campaign by using the Goalprize app to register visits and request points. Also, we currently do not charge for visits that come from your Goalprize campaign winners redeeming their gift card credits and bringing in new customers. We keep track of these "visits during redemption" just to see how much many total visits came in before and after a successful campaign.
Notes: You predict you will get many more visits resulting from hosting a Goalprize campaign than just those you pay for through Goalprize. For example when the winners return to your restaurant to spend their credits they are visiting again and they will probably bring more friends, family and co-workers with them.
30. Can I ADJUST THE SETTINGS of my Goalprize?
You can adjust Goalprize settings before a Goalprize campaign is approved but not after your campaign has started as that would be unfair to participants. If your Goalprize campaign has been approved but not yet started you need to cancel it and submit a request for a new campaign with new settings to be approved. You can not make adjustment after a Goalprize has already started.
31. What is the MAXIMUM DURATION of a Goalprize campaign?
A Goalprize campaign can be set to any duration. We desire short campaigns of only about 3 to 10 days for restaurants hosting a Goalprize campaign for the first time. Then longer campaigns will be allowed in the future if the first campaigns go well. We want to make sure they can give all the points required and redeem all the credits required before allowing them to host another longer or higher Goal campaign.
32. How many of my restaurant STAFF can use my business account?
There is no limit to how many of your staff can use your business account. There are three levels of control of the Goalprize-Business app however: (A) Owner, (B) Manager and (C) Server. A restaurant owner creates a Goalprize Business account and puts in the emails and names of his managers and servers who will receive an invitation email inviting them to download Goalprize Business and to Login to this restaurant owner's account and create their own password. Managers can also invite servers to join.
33. Can Goalprize CONNECT with my payment or accounting system?
Goalprize is not currently integrated with the payment systems of restaurants. Customers request Goalprize points after they have paid the restaurant bill by photographing their paid receipt and creating a QR code the restaurant staff to scan to bring the point or credit request with receipt to your staff's phone for approval.
We may in the future offer restaurants the choice of integrating Goalprize in your Point-Of-Sale (POS) system or operating outside it. Currently Goalprize only operates outside of it
34. Can I manage my Goalprize campaign in browser on my computer?
Your Goalprize campaign can only be managed either on your Smartphone or tablet such as an iPad. We don't currently allow it to be managed on a computer (desktop or laptop).
We may allow computer-desktop management in the future.
35. What DOCUMENTS must I provide to be approved to host a Goalprize campaign?
You need to show that you have the legal authority to make decisions for the business that wants to run a Goalprize. This involves us verifying who has this legal authority and that you are that person.
Example: We need documents to verify the existence of the legal entity (often called a "judicial person" in Thailand) if your restaurant operates in one. We need documents to verify who has the legal authority to make decisions for this entity if there is one. We need a government-issued ID to verify that we are talking with the person with the legal authority to act for this restaurant. We also verify the existence of this restaurant and that all the information submitted about it is correct.
36. Can Goalprize customers use the credits from one Goalprize digital gift card to pay the bill and earn more points during another campaign?
No, customers can not use credits to pay the bill and earn more points during another campaign or a later campaign at the same restaurant.
Note: To prevent any confusion or problems we will not allow a subsequent Goalprize campaign to be started by a restaurant until after the expiration date of the credits from that restaurant's prior Goalprize campaign.
Most recent update : March 26, 2024