Hungry Teams
To participate in a Goalprize campaign you do not need to form a team. Most participants in Goalprize campaigns are just individual people with their own Goalprize ID number (GID). This GID is found in the upper right of your home page in the Goalprize app.
But you can form a Hungry Team if you want. This will allow this account to pool food spending and points collection under one GID so you move restaurants towards their visits Goals faster and move this GID up the Leaderboard for different Goalprize campaigns higher.
It could be a Hungry Team of friends, family, co-workers, a social media group, athletic team…anyone who likes the idea of winning what they spent in food and eating to win. You’ll just need to trust the person who controls the GID to treat spenders on your team fairly.
Maybe your Hungry Team will find a Goalprize campaign that will end the soonest and go there to win a digital gift card before it ends. Maybe your Hungry Team will focus on eating at a restaurant where you need to rise up on the Leaderboard from the red zone to the green zone. Remember if a Goalprize campaign hits its Goal but you are in the red zone you will not win. You must earn enough points to be in the Top 50% green zone when the Goal is hit before the Deadline. What will be your eating strategy!
Disclaimer: Goalprize will not be responsible for keeping tracking of which Hungry Team Member earned which amount under the same GID. There are no “sub-IDs” in Goalprize now. Goalprize only keeps track of the points earned by each GID. If your Hungry Team wins you can keep track using your own system and allow each team member to deduct from their bill the same amount of points they earned. Or if your Hungry Team wins just invite everyone to return to the restaurant where you won and order lots of food for a buffet-style celebration of your team’s victory.
If Hungry Teams are an popular idea we may add sub-ID tracking to a future version of the software but this does not currently exist.
Big winnings. Many winners.
No organization, team or group shown in these stock photos has endorsed Goalprize. We are just showing that any type of group could form a Goalprize Hungry Team and Eat to Win.
All users must agree to the Goalprize Terms of Service (GTS).