Make Money:

Sign Up Restaurants

  1. Submit your application to be an Independent Sales Affiliate of Goalprize for any nation. Goalprize is only in Thailand now but we want to offer it in all nations as soon as possible

  2. If you are approved then learn how it works and the benefits to restaurants and customers.

  3. Sign up restaurants to host a Goalprize campaign. Yes, it can be a small “test” campaign first.

  4. Help the restaurants you sign-up to hit their visits Goals because you will earn money for each visit subject to the Goalprize Independent Sales Affiliate Agreement (GISAA) and the Goalprize Terms of Service (GTS). You must be legally allowed to work in the nation where you will sign up restaurants.

Big winnings. Many winners.

*All users must agree to the Goalprize Terms of Service (GTS).